Today is Peter's and my thirteenth anniversary. We have been together (or at least spoken to each other) pretty much every day for the last 13 years...quite a run, if I do say so myself. We were somewhat in the same group of friends in high school, however we didn't start dating until the end of my senior year. Since then, we have supported one another and allowed each other to change and grow, which I think can sometimes be the most difficult part of being in a relationship. We've come through these years stronger as individuals - and as couple.
To celebrate we went to Provincetown this weekend - a place that offers Peter and I an enormous sense of calm. A friend was kind enough to let us stay at his place. We woke each morning to the beautiful cape light, and stared out over Ptown while sipping coffee and listening to music. We lucked out with the was warm and wonderful and great...and I want to go back soon, before the bustle of summer begins.
A few weeks back I went to Inspire Boston - and met some amazing people, who also happen to be photographers. I'm so thrilled to have a burgeoning group of new photo friends. One of the women I connected with immediately is named Alex. She's a great photographer and a wonderful person - and I'm excited beyond words to have her as a new friend.
Alex and I gave each other photo assignments for this past weekend. My assignment to her was to photograph something that represents calm to her. You can see her post here.
Alex's assignment to Alex's words, "Since it is your anniversary, I want you to take a cutesy photo of you and Peter with the ocean in the background not looking at the camera. Self timer style, baby! I want to feel like I walked by this adorable couple on the beach when I see it."
Since our anniversary is March 22nd I found the cottage on Shore Road with the 22 and then added us to the scene. The cottages are Days' Cottages. They're Cape iconic - and everyone who passes them seems to photograph them or paint them...but I still love them - especially the one named Lilac.
Thank you, Peter for the last thirteen years of being my best friend. The support you've given me - through the many ups and downs, especially the last 4 years - has helped me to heal and grow and become the adult woman who stands before you each day. I love you.