If you follow this blog you'll quickly realize how often the word calm appears. At times in life I've found myself searching for it more than I would like. Recently though, I've been able to access the closest I've been to absolute peace whenever I need to. While on our honeymoon I was able to find complete calm - staring out our front door (or back door, not quite sure). There were beautiful smelling flowers - and hummingbirds all around - and a wonderful breeze coming from the ocean. Whenever I need to - I just think of this space in time and a calm rushes over me.
This morning while driving around I was listening to the new Architecture in Helsinki album, Moment Bends. I was feeling that calm come over me - and the music made me think of Peter and our holiday away (I do like "holiday" better than "vacation" - let's see if I can keep it up). I was loving the music so much I decided I should share it with you all. Then I thought, "I should do this every Monday. I shall call it Monday Morning Music." And so - here is your first installment of MMM.
Desert Island by Architecture In Helsinki
Architecture in Helsinki is playing in Boston in November. Peter & I will be there. Let us know if you'll be there too!