Oh my goodness. I realize I've been the worst at keeping this blog up to date. I'm in the midst of finishing up editing of the last of my weddings (until our final wedding of the year next month). There are many weddings and pre-wedding sessions to share, I just need to get to it.
Here's a session from this summer – July to be exact. We met up with Heather & David in Brooklyn. It was a very hot and humid day, so we took it easy and just walked around their neighborhood, which happens to be near the water, which equals an amazing breeze! I really love walking around places that the people I'm photographing pass by everyday and finding interesting backgrounds and areas to place them in that they may not have seen in quite that way before. Now they have these photographs to not only document themselves at this time in their lives, but also the place they lived together too.
Heather was a bridesmaid in Lucy & Zack's wedding last year. Couples that come from a friendship with another couple we've photographed is my absolute favorite way of finding new clients. Plus we often get to see our previous couples (now friends) at the wedding too! We'll be photographing Heather & David's wedding next June at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and very much looking forward to it! Here's just a few of my favorites from our shoot together.